phone: 703-943-6452
Address: 123, ABC Street, XYZ, USA
- by Palmer Carroll

A Traitor’s Confession

In a world cursed by an ancient spell that transforms people into mythological beasts, a desperate struggle for redemption and justice unfolds. “A Traitor's Confession” plays out the epic journey of seven intertwined destinies, battling the darkness that threatens to consume their land.
About the Author

Palmer Carroll

Palmer Carroll is a mother, teacher, veteran, musician, world traveler, linguist, and author of her debut novel A Traitor’s Confession. Raised in Europe, she thrived on the fairy tales and hero legends that now give depth and purpose to her characters. An accomplished educator and avid reader, she has often used story telling to enliven her classroom and enjoys sharing tales of her experiences from other regions of the world. After riding camels and scooters in other countries, she now lives on a mountain in Tennessee with her family, hiking and reading any book she finds.
About The Book

Latest Upcoming Book

In a world cursed by an ancient spell that transforms people into mythological beasts, a desperate struggle for redemption and justice unfolds. “A Traitor’s Confession” plays out the epic journey of seven intertwined destinies, battling the darkness that threatens to consume their land.

Embarking on a journey to shatter the remnants of a curse that plagues the realm, Luz and her companions strive to lift the curse. As they step foot on this unfamiliar realm of hurdles, they find their faith and fortitude tested. Hiding their own secrets, the reclusive elves refuse to assist in the battle against these forces, while the enigmatic Rowan and sinister Inquisitor Ma’elrich manipulate the strings of fate to fight in their favor.

A Traitor’s Confession
- by Palmer Carroll

In a world cursed by an ancient spell that transforms
people into mythological beasts, a desperate struggle for
redemption and justice unfolds. “The Traitors Confession”
plays out the epic journey of seven intertwined destinies,
battling the darkness that threatens to consume their land.

Embarking on a journey to shatter the remnants of a curse
that plagues the realm, Luz and her companions strive to
lift the curse. As they step foot on this unfamiliar realm of
hurdles, they find their faith and fortitude tested. Hiding
their own secrets, the reclusive elves refuse to assist in the
battle against these forces, while the enigmatic Rowan
and sinister Inquisitor Ma’elrich manipulate the strings of
fate to fight in their favor.


Our Books

Upcoming Conferences

Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference, Kansas City, MO: Feb 6-10, 2024

Glasgow 2024, A WorldCon for Our Futures, Glasgow, Scotland: Aug 8-12th, 2024

Killer Nashville 2024: Aug 22-25, 2024


A Traitor’s Confession will be coming to a bookstore near you soon!


Words From Readers

Danielle Jenkins


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